There is an issue where the reporting in Bookkeeper is showing Social Security and Medicare taxes being deducted incorrectly. The problem is with the reports and not the actual deductions. The deductions are done correctly, but the reporting is not showing the correct information. Please use the following directions to correct this issue:

Note: These directions only apply to the following versions of Bookkeeper:,, or

  1. Right-click the following link and choose the Save Target option to save the text file to your computer:

  2. Save the file to an easily accessible location, such as your Desktop
  3. Launch Bookkeeper
  4. Go to File - Import and select Import Tax Tables
  5. Click the Browse button and navigate to the location where you saved the text file
  6. Select the text file name and click the Open button
  7. Click the Import button

Once imported, the reporting should now be correct in Bookkeeper.