For more information read Importing QuickBooks Data.

  1. Install or confirm the latest version of Bookkeeper is installed ( (make sure installation is done with Windows Admin account)
  2. Install the Bookkeeper Quickbooks Integrator (make sure installation is done with Windows Admin account)
  3. Run Bookkeeper (make sure to run Bookkeeper with Windows Admin account)
  4. Create a new company which will be the company that the QuickBooks company data will be imported to.
    1. Use the Standard option in the Bookkeeper Company setup
    2. Select Advanced Payroll when deciding which payroll processing type to select during the New Company Wizard
    3. Don’t set opening balances for bank accounts of chart of accounts
    4. Select accounting type of cash or accrual
    5. Set the Next Year End Date
    6. No need to enter company address or contact information as this will get overwritten with the comparable date from QuickBooks
    7. No need to setup detail about bank accounts as this will get imported
    8. At the end of the setup, you can choose to import QuickBooks data (if not done at this time, you can select File from the menu and then Import and then select Import QuickBooks data)
  5. In the Quickbooks Integration screen:
    1. Select option to "Prepare Integration Database"
    2. Bookkeeper will close
  6. Start QuickBooks
    1. Insure you are NOT running QuickBooks with a Windows Admin account
    2. Open the company you want to import
  7. Run the Bookkeeper Quickbooks Integrator
    1. Insure you are NOT running Bookkeeper Quickbooks Integrator with a Windows Admin account
    2. Click Connect for the QuickBooks company
      1. QuickBooks will prompt to allow access for QODBC Driver from FlexQuarters
      2. Select options to allow access
    3. The company open in QuickBooks will show in the QuickBooks Company field in the Bookkeeper Quickbooks Integrator
    4. Click Connect for the Bookkeeper company
      1. The company that was setup to import the QuickBooks data to may get selected automatically. If not, click the dropdown to select the correct target company.
    5. Select the data you want to import (or just leave all selected).
    6. Click the Start button
    7. The import process will begin. Depending on the size of the QuickBooks database being imported, this may take 5 minutes or more (for larger databases this could take a lot longer – 20 minutes or more is not uncommon). The imported transaction count should be incrementing regularly (though an increment may take a minute to show)
    8. Once the import is complete, a prompt will appear saying the import process has finished.
    9. *** Ignore any errors from the QODBC driver
    10. *** If you have an existing Bookkeeper company that uses Advanced Payroll, errors may appear about not being able to insert some data into the database. This is a known issue and will be addressed. It’s OK to ignore these messages. Payroll setup data will not be affected.
    11. Once complete, click Close
  8. Run Bookkeeper (make sure Bookkeeper is run with Windows Admin account)
    1. Select File from the menu, then click Import, then Import QuickBooks data.
    2. Click Complete Integration
    3. Once integration is complete, Bookkeeper will close
  9. Run Bookkeeper (make sure Bookkeeper is run with Windows Admin account)
    1. Select the imported company to open
    2. Perform Post Integration tasks
    3. Perform validation