UP ARROW Moves the selected object or multi selection 10 pixels up. 
DOWN ARROW Moves the selected object or multi selection 10 pixels down. 
Moves the selected object or multi selection 10 pixels to the left. 
RIGHT ARROW Moves the selected object or multi selection 10 pixels to the right. 
CTRL+UP Moves the selected object or multi selection 1 pixel up. 
CTRL+DOWN Moves the selected object or multi selection 1 pixel down. 
CTRL+LEFT Moves the selected object or multi selection 1 pixel to the left. 
CTRL+RIGHT Moves the selected object or multi selection 1 pixel to the right. 
CTRL+LEFT CLICK Adds object to the selection. 
MOUSE WHELL Zoom in/out 
CTRL+X Removes selection from the logo canvas and places it on the clipboard. 
CTRL+C Copies selection from the logo canvas to the clipboard. 
CTRL+V Pastes items from the clipboard to the current logo canvas. 
DEL Deletes the currently selected items. 
CTRL+Z Reverses the last action taken. You can undo unlimited number of actions. 
CTRL+Y Restores the last action that was reversed, up to all of the actions that were reversed. 
CTRL+A Selects all 
CTRL+L Locks objects: protects the selected element on the canvas from being changed or deleted. 
CTRL+K Unlocks all: removes protection against change or deletion from all canvas elements. 
CTRL+H Hides objects: Hide the selected elements from the canvas display. 
CTRL+U Unhides all: Restores all elements to the canvas display. 
CTRL+D Aligns the selected items with the top edge. 
CTRL+T Aligns the selected items with the bottom edge. 
CTRL+W Aligns the selected items with the left edge. 
CTRL+R Aligns the selected items with the right edge. 
CTRL+J Aligns the selected items with the vertical center. 
CTRL+I Aligns the selected items with the horizontal center. 
CTRL+M Brings forward: Places the selected items in front of the items it was previously behind. 
CTRL+B Sends backward: Places the selected items behind the items it was previously in front of. 
CTRL+G Group: Bundles selected items together as one unit, allowing them to be manipulated as a single item. 
CTRL+F Ungroup: Unbundles a group of items. 
CTRL+1 Zoom 1:1: Sets zoom 1:1. 
CTRL+2 Fit to screen: Adjusts the display size of the canvas so that the entire canvas can be seen. 
CTRL+3 Zoom out: Reduces the size of the logo image on the canvas, making it to appear further away. 
CTRL+4 Zoom in: Enlarges the logo image on the canvas, making it appear closer. 
CTRL+0 Starts the Canvas dialog box. 
CTRL+N Starts the New logo dialog box. 
CTRL+O Starts the Standard Windows Open dialog box for opening new files. 
CTRL+S Saves the current logo document on disk. 
CTRL+E Starts the Export dialog box. 
CTRL+P Starts Print application for printing the currently opened document. 
Alt+F4 Exit from the program. 
CTRL+F2 Opens the Edit section of the program. 
CTRL+F3 Opens the Template section of the program. 
CTRL+F4 Opens the Online resources section of the program. 
F11 Switching between full and normal mode of the program operation.